At Garden Den, we take all complaints very seriously. Here you can read up on how we deal with complaints, how long they can take, and how to register a complaint too.
To make a complaint Click the button at the bottom of this page called ''Register A Complaint. Fill out the online form. Once that is complete, a member of the complaints team will contact you and inform you of your log number. The log number needs to be put into all correspondence between yourself and Garden Den.
With the information you provide, it will give our complaints department the chance to investgate your complaint and if needed to interview the staff members/supervisors and or managers who are involved with the complaint. Once we have interviewed our staff members, the case will be detailed on our system and a full report with our solution will be sent to you via post or email. Please respect the fact that more than one interview may need to be conducted.
Some of our staff members work part-time for other companies and we can only book them in for interviews as and when they are free. With the reflection of COVID, all complaints and investigations can take up to 8 weeks to complete. We appreciate your patience thank you.